Registration Invalid form configuration. Invalid "custom" attribute. When provided, must start with your domain name. Registration Options Register To Access Training Courses and Resource Center Create Profile First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Username (lowercase alphanumeric) * Password (type this twice please) * password strength indicator Additional Info Street Address * City * State * Zip * Phone Number * Organization and Profession Name of Organization * Profession * StudentNurseEducatorPharmacistSocial ServicesEMS/First ResponderOther Preferred Target Audience (select all that apply) * Preschool K-5th 6th-8th 9th-12th College Caregivers/Adults Other Do you plan to share this information with those in your community? * NoYes Main reason for taking this course * Work RequirementPersonal InterestOther Optional Gender malefemale Age <1818-1920-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970-7980-8990-99 Information Protection Agreement The purpose of this agreement is to protect the Minnesota Poison Control System Prevention Training Program (PPTP) electronic information from accidental or intentional disclosure or modification. This agreement is intended to serve as a general information protection overview, and may be supplemented by other specific policies required by law such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This agreement applies to the Poison Center trained PPTP Educators and all others granted use of electronic information resources, and upholds their responsibility for the protection and appropriate use of the Poison Center information. Within the context of this policy, information refers to all information that is electronically processed, stored, used or transmitted. Information resources include, but are not limited to: software, computer applications and e-mail. Compliance with this policy is mandatory. Each user must understand his/her role and responsibilities regarding information security issues, and protecting the Poison Center information. Any non-compliance with this or any other security policy that results in the compromise of the Poison Center information integrity may result in possible prosecution under applicable legislation. I agree to maintain and protect the Poison Center information from any unauthorized alterations (add/change/delete). Furthermore, I agree to protect and maintain the Poison Center information that is electronically processed, stored, used or transmitted to or by me from any intentional and unintentional violation. * The purpose of this agreement is to protect the Minnesota Poison Control System Prevention Training Program (PPTP) electronic information from accidental or intentional disclosure or modification. This agreement is intended to serve as a general information protection overview, and may be supplemented by other specific policies required by law such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This agreement applies to the Poison Center trained PPTP Educators and all others granted use of electronic information resources, and upholds their responsibility for the protection and appropriate use of the Poison Center information. Within the context of this policy, information refers to all information that is electronically processed, stored, used or transmitted. Information resources include, but are not limited to: software, computer applications and e-mail. Compliance with this policy is mandatory. Each user must understand his/her role and responsibilities regarding information security issues, and protecting the Poison Center information. Any non-compliance with this or any other security policy that results in the compromise of the Poison Center information integrity may result in possible prosecution under applicable legislation. I agree to maintain and protect the Poison Center information from any unauthorized alterations (add/change/delete). Furthermore, I agree to protect and maintain the Poison Center information that is electronically processed, stored, used or transmitted to or by me from any intentional and unintentional violation. Disclaimer The information contained in this training is designed to be informational and educational. Under no circumstances is this training to replace the expert advice of a qualified health care professional. In the event of a poison emergency, contact the Minnesota Poison Control System immediately. The Minnesota Poison Control System, its employees and affiliates assume no responsibility in the usage of the information provided in this training. * The information contained in this training is designed to be informational and educational. Under no circumstances is this training to replace the expert advice of a qualified health care professional. In the event of a poison emergency, contact the Minnesota Poison Control System immediately. The Minnesota Poison Control System, its employees and affiliates assume no responsibility in the usage of the information provided in this training. Complete Registration Submit Form